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Original Title: El impostor
ISBN: 8439729723 (ISBN13: 9788439729723)
Edition Language: Spanish URL
Literary Awards: Premio Elba (2016), European Book Prize Nominee for Fiction (2016), International Booker Prize Nominee for Longlist (2018)
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El impostor Hardcover | Pages: 420 pages
Rating: 3.57 | 1374 Users | 216 Reviews

Present Out Of Books El impostor

Title:El impostor
Author:Javier Cercas
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 420 pages
Published:November 13th 2014 by Random House (first published November 2014)
Categories:Nonfiction. History. Cultural. Spain. Biography

Interpretation Supposing Books El impostor

He aquí una fascinante novela sin ficción saturada de ficción; la ficción no la pone el autor: la pone Enric Marco.

¿Quién es Enric Marco? Un nonagenario barcelonés que se hizo pasar por superviviente de los campos nazis y que fue desenmascarado en mayo de 2005, después de presidir durante tres años la asociación española de los supervivientes, pronunciar centenares de conferencias, conceder decenas de entrevistas, recibir importantes distinciones y conmover en algún caso hasta las lágrimas a los parlamentarios españoles reunidos para rendir homenaje por vez primera a los republicanos deportados por el III Reich. El caso dio la vuelta al mundo y convirtió a Marco en el gran impostor y el gran maldito. Ahora, casi una década más tarde, Javier Cercas asedia, en este thriller hipnótico que es también un banquete con muchos platos -narración, crónica, ensayo, biografía y autobiografía-, el enigma del personaje, su verdad y sus falsedades y, a través de esa indagación que recorre casi un siglo de historia de España, bucea con una pasión de kamikaze y una honestidad desgarradora en lo más profundo de nosotros mismos: en nuestra infinita capacidad de autoengaño, en nuestro conformismo y nuestras mentiras, en nuestra sed insaciable de afecto, en nuestras necesidades contrapuestas de ficción y de realidad, en las zonas más dolorosas de nuestro pasado reciente. El resultado es un libro que no habla de Enric Marco sino de usted, lector; también el libro más insumiso y radical de Javier Cercas: un libro asombroso que, con una audacia inédita, ensancha los límites del género novelesco y explora las últimas fronteras de nuestra humanidad.

Rating Out Of Books El impostor
Ratings: 3.57 From 1374 Users | 216 Reviews

Judgment Out Of Books El impostor
In his books, Spanish novelist Javier Cercas tackles the theme of "historical memory," focusing on the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist State. So it's no wonder that Cercas would be drawn to the story of Enric Marco, a man caught taking advantage of Spain's popular interest in historical memory.A master of self-invention and -promotion, the charismatic Marco fashioned himself a hero of the Spanish Civil War, an anti-Francoist rebel, and a Nazi concentration camp survivor. Cercas knows what it

A brilliant fiction, I am glad that Ive come across Javier Cercas. Even though the message gets pounded home a lot, still this story gives an intellectual challenge which I love. Reality bites, fiction saves. However to make your life a novel is quite a challenge, or is it. What is really reality, an image built by sensory input, a view of the world as everyone else sees it, well thats a stretch, everyone?!Its like comedy, what can you joke about, hard core comedians says everything goes. Not

Truthfully, evangelists of truth are not to be trusted. Truthfully, just as an insistence on bravery betrays the coward, an insistence on truth betrays the liar.Its a wildly self-conscious novel without fictionprobably because, in addition to the bits of true biography of The Imposter (the books premise, but hardly its focus), there is quite a lot of discussion on literary theory and the lies told by authors and novels. An author who claims to be writing a novel without fiction is obviously

The story is interesting, the way its written is quite boring and repetitive. Ive read Cercas before amd cannot understand this need to repeat himself in every chapter.

The Spanish literature conceals true jewel. Last year, it was Confiteor of Jaume Cabre, a great novel I forgot to review. I dont speak spanish but this book has just been translated in french. It is a true story. Enric Marco was a star in Spain. President of the Mauthausen deportees association, president of the parents pupils of Catalonia, anarcho-syndicalist, a moral figure in the post-Franco Spain. All is false. Stupor and scandal in Spain. This book is not a novel stricto sensu. This is

El Puto Amo

My new year's resolution was to read more books in translation. This one is from Spain and is about a con man who claimed to be a Holocaust survivor. I found it a bit dull and repetitive. Maybe I would have been more interested if I had known about the scandal before reading the book. Or maybe I would have been more interested if Cercas had interviewed more people directly related to the scandal and spent less time discussing his life, his son, his career, his friends, and so on. I also found it


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